When you become a consultant you can sell Usborne books through many
different ways:
Home Shows
Sell books through booking homeshows! Hostess earns free books based on retail
sales and customer specials. Customer specials are available fro customers to
purchase when they order a minimum at retail. The retail sales for a homeshow
must be at least $85. Consultant earn 25% commission from this of sale.
Retail sales to customers with no hostess involved. Customer Specials can
also be offered on direct sales. The minimum order for a direct sales is $25
Book Fairs
Retail sales sponsored by a hospital, daycare, preschool or organization.
The minimum order is $200 retail.
Book Fairs earn:
*25% of the total retail sales in free books to the organization when the total
sales are between $200 and $499.
*50% of the total retail sales in free books to the organization when the total
sales are $500 or over.
EDC Educational Services
Sales to the school and library market. You must be an educational
consultant to service public and private K-12 schools and libraries.
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